Inner War Ambassador Program Terms & Conditions

Inner War Strength Ambassador ProgramTerms & Conditions

You have applied to be an Ambassador because you believe in Inner War Strength and what it represents and want to help support Inner War Strength’s continuing growth and success into the future.

These Terms & Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Document”) has been adopted to promote and maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct among the Inner War Ambassador Program.

By submitting an application to join the Inner War Ambassador Program, you represent and warrant that you are not precluded and or/prevented by any agreement or law or regulation to act as an Ambassador of Inner War Strength.

Ambassador’s Pledges

By becoming an Ambassador you hereby agree and pledge the following to Inner War Strength:
  1. To perform in the utmost professional and ethical manner, in good faith and with honesty and integrity;
  2. To strive for personal growth and self-improvement in every aspect and assist others in doing so;
  3. To support Inner War Strength’s goals and objectives;
  4. To help promote Inner War Strength’s content and products;
  5. To uphold and adhere to all laws and regulations relating to your activities;
  6. To refrain from using your position to secure special privilege, gain or benefit for yourself;
  7. To refrain from competing with Inner War Strength;
  8. To refrain from approaching, persuading or attempting to persuade any person to enter into any business transaction or business dealings only with the Ambassador in circumvention of and at the exclusion of Inner War Strength or to the detriment of Inner War Strength;
  9. To refrain from pledging the credit of Inner War Strength or from entering into any agreements or business transactions or any other arrangement whatsoever on behalf of Inner War Strength unless so authorised by Inner War Strength in writing;
  10. To refrain from assuming any obligations or creating any obligations in the name of or on behalf of Inner War Strength, save only were the Ambassador has been authorised in writing by Inner War Strength.


The following list is provides some examples of infractions of these Terms & Conditions which may result in termination of your membership from the Inner War Ambassador Program:

  1. Supplying false or misleading information when applying for the Ambassador Program;
  2. Representing any competing company;
  3. Working as a representative of Inner War Strength under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substances;
  4. Engaging in unethical or illegal conduct;
  5. Abusing the sales commission system;
  6. Identifying yourself in person or through the use of business cards or pamphlets as an employee of Inner War Strength, or any other position other than an Ambassador brand affiliate;
  7. Creating a social media account, website, URL, domain, or email distribution listthat portrays or identifies yourself as an official Inner War Strength account, employee, or entity other than an Ambassador brand affiliate;
  8. Selling any Inner War Strength products, apparel, accessories, or other items other thanthrough your Ambassador discount code or affiliate link; Creating products, apparel, merchandise, or any other items utilising the Inner War Strength name, logo, or intellectual property without prior written approval from Inner War Strength;
  9. Making any obscene, prejudicial, or provocative remarks, jokes or gestures, in a public environment, on social media, or through an online forum which may be offensive;
  10. Misappropriating or abusing Inner War Strength’s property and funds;
  11. Reporting false or misleading information, or falsifying Company documents orrecords;
  12. Verbally abusing other Ambassadors or Inner War Strength customers, via spoken or written word;
  13. Using unauthorised tactics to boost sales totals and/or capture credit for purchases that are not deserved;
  14. Advertising your discount code, link or written messages with the intent of customerrecruitment on product review posts on or otherwise, official Inner War Strength social media pages, etc.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Inner War Strength reserves the right to terminate any Ambassador from the Inner War Ambassador Program in the event that Inner War Strength determines, in its sole discretion, that the Ambassador has violated and terms and conditions of this Document or otherwise.

Relationship between the Ambassador and Inner War Strength

By applying for the Inner War Ambassador Program, you acknowledge and agree that you are not an Employee of Inner War Strength. Ambassadors are independent affiliates and nothing herein creates any agency, joint venture, partnership, or other form of joint enterprise, employment, or fiduciary relationship between Inner War Strength and Ambassador or an employee employer relationship.

Other Obligations

The Ambassador shall be responsible for paying any and all applicable taxes that result from any money or commissions earned or paid to Ambassador.

Intellectual Property

By applying for the Inner War Ambassador Program, you acknowledge and agree that all Trademarks, names, logos, videos, pictures, descriptions, or otherwise of Inner War Strength are the sole and exclusive property of Inner War Strength.

You hereby agree to use such Images only as provided by, and at the discretion of Inner War Strength. All rights and goodwill associated with such Images are the exclusive property of Inner War Strength and shall transfer to Inner War Strength with no further actions necessary on the part of Ambassador or Inner War Strength.


The forbearance or failure of Inner War Strength to prosecute and/or terminate the Ambassador for any single breach of any of the terms and conditions enunciated in this Document, shall not in any way whatsoever be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of the rights of Inner War Strength to demand future performance of such provision or of any of the other provisions of the Document or to seek redress and/or damages for any losses that Inner War Strength may sustain as a result of the breach committed by the Ambassador.

Document Update

Inner War Strength reserves the right to update this Document at any time and such updates will be posted on the Inner War Strength website (

Reporting of Violations

Please report any activities in violation of these Terms & Conditions to the Inner War Ambassador Program Management.


By submitting this application, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this Document.

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