
Depression, Serotonin, and the Black Dog
Is depression caused by low serotonin, or is life just depressing?

Our Noble Struggle
Suffering is inevitable, embrace it as you embark on your noble struggle to live your life beyond the inaction of the last man and his Dork Age.

Conquer your Inner Bitch
Our internal dialogue can be hijacked by fear which turns into negative thinking. Silence that voice of fear by getting comfortable with discomfort.

Five Barbaric Bodyweight Exercises for the Apocalypse
As the world around you descends into chaos, strengthen your resolve; the war against atrophy never ends.

How to Log Your Workout
How do you know if you're making progress in the gym? If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.
Workout Playlists

Operation Darkside: Barbaric Powerbuilding Playlist
Barbaric workout playlist for Black Metal Powerbuilding Warmongers. Featuring Blasphemy, Teitanblood, Destroyer 666, Black Witchery, and more…

Barbaric Attack Heavy/Speed Metal Playlist
Bang those weights and your head to this playlist featuring the sharpest cuts from Judas Priest, Mercyful Fate, Iron Maiden, Exciter, Carnivore, and more…

Inner War Legion Community Playlist
We asked you to send us your favourite workout bangers and man, did you deliver. Blast the Inner War Legion’s favourite aural assaults from the likes of Hatebreed, Feared, Lamb...